Why to shop in our on-line store?
- Specialization - Supply of hi-end audio/video and modern computer electronics products.
- Experiences and tradition - 27 years of experiences with on-line electronics sale.
- Focus on the customer - We respect each customer's needs. Looking for particular solutions.
- Informations - We know our products very well. Details, comparison and comprehensive support.
- Reliability - We provide full warranty for our products including after-warranty support.
- Simpleness - We supply HQ English manuals with all our products.
- Speed - Expedition in 2 days, delivery in about one week.
- Low costs - Postpaid for all orders with total price over € 450
Actual informations 
- 07.03.2011Protective case for Amazon Kindle 3 - Kindle Guard
New hardened leather case with advanced protection of Amazon Kindle 3 prevents the common problem of broken display. This leather case is tested with up to 5kgs of weight laying on the Amazon Kindle 3 without destroying or damaging its display. The frontal part of the Kindle Guard leather case (covering the display) is filled with iron tablet to provide maximum protection. We are shipping this product to all European countries with special reduced postal charge €5 only
- 20.02.2011The Skype phone Eltrinex Free24 in stock again.
Based on high demand we decided to return the Eltrinex Free24 Skype into our offer. This phone offers very good ratio of value and price and due to its parameters it is very useful also for rentiers and non-experienced users. For simple use it offers comfortable buttons and larg color LCD display. The most significant positive is the stand-alone design, which means that the product works without a need to use PC.
- 13.05.2009New firmware for Eltrinex HD-1000 comes with new functions and improvements
We are pleased to introduce new firmware for popular multimedia player - Eltrinex HD-1000. For download of this firmware, please visit Customer support. This new version comes not only with improvements of present functions, it offers also some news. From the most significant, we can mention support of FLAC audio files, text files (TXT), Adobe photo-negatives format (DNG) and many more...
- 08.04.2009ExtraPC TIP award for Eltrinex HD-1000
Our bestseller product, multimedia player Eltrinex HD-1000 was awarded by the second most popular PC Magazine in the Czech Republic called Extra PC. You can have a look at the certificate (in PDF). This product was rated by 4 of 5 for its sound quality and functions. As main features, Extra PC mentioned high quality LCD, EXIF show and recording of videos in full PAL format.
- 28.10.2008New product - digital dictaphone Eltrinex VR-4
Luxurious dark-silver digital dictaphone (voice recorder) with 4 GB capacity that allows to record 72 up to 1120 hours directly into MP3 file using internal or external microphone. FM Tuner and recording directly from FM broadcast, AGC and VOR recording enhancement, clock, timer recording, password protection, WMA and MP3 playback etc. This machine can be also used as a data transportation unit.
- 09.10.2008Automatic price watch
You like any product from our catalogue but you plan to wait till the price falls a bit? Now you do not have check the price personally every day, out automatic tool can do it for you. On each page with product information you can find a new button for "Price watch". Just click it and enter the price you are willing to accept and your email address. When the price falls under this specified price, you will recieve an e-mail message with notice.